It was a short drive to the national monument and it was very quiet there--very few people. We hiked along the path, reading the story boards along the way. Fort Foote was built in 1864 and had two huge cannons which could shoot 15 inch cannon balls. The cannon balls weighed 434 pounds and the crew practiced until they were able to clean,load and fire the cannon in 4 minutes. We couldn't even imagine how they could load that heavy cannon ball. Fort Foote was one of 18 military forts built around the capitol.

We returned to the car and had our picnic lunch before heading home.
For their day off all ABBC wanted to do was to sit and watch cartoons on tv, but Grandpa said no and hid the controls. So then they were bored for awhile. Eventually they played cards for about 10 minutes and then began to complain about nothing to do. They started a rousing game of hide and seek and played that for awhile. While they were hiding they ran across some racquets and a tennis ball, so they went into the court and played ball for awhile. At 4:30 GG relented and told them they could watch TV for a hour while she made dinner.
For dinner we had pork roast, rice-a-roni and spinach salad. Those boys love that rice-a-roni and ate it all up again.
Tonight we have to say goodbye to the turtle and put him back in the wild because tomorrow we are off to Williamsburg.
Beautiful turtle, great adventures.